How to register my business?

You can quickly register your business at:

Only basic information is needed to complete the registration::
  1. Company name it's used for identification and invoices.
  2. Plan: we have multiple plans designed for you starting from free. You can update/downgrade your plan anytime from your account.
  3. Subdomain: you can choose a unique free subdomain on where customers can access your digital menu. (e.g.:
  4. Choose available languages for the menu: You can choose as many languages as you need for your menu. We also have implemented AI translations to help you translate your menu to selected languages. If one translation is missing, items appear in the default or the first found language.
  5. Default language: The language used to load the menu as default.
  6. Fill up user details.

Simple as that, your business is registered, and you can access the backend.

Register my business form